
Showing posts from January, 2020

Essential Oils For Sinus Infection: Best Oils And Its Uses

There are a lot of people who suffer from the problem of sinus infection. The sinus infection triggers allergies, cold and headache in people. Sinus infection can make breathing and sleeping difficult for you by causing congestion in your nose. The symptoms of sinus infections are runny nose, headache, nasal congestion and facial pain. The conditions which lead to sinuses are the common cold, swelling of the lining of the nose, nasal polyps, deviated septum, etc. There are different types of sinuses that a person can face such as-          Healthy sinuses, which occur when the nasal cavity is filled with air.          Acute sinuses, which generally start with cold-like symptoms and filled with fluid, germs. Acute Sinuses can last for more 2-4 weeks.          Subacute sinuses are inflammation that lasts for 4 to 12 weeks.          Chronic Sinuses that has inflammation symptoms and last 12 weeks or longer.          Recurrent sin

Causes And Treatment Of Puffy Nipples In Men

  Do you often feel embarrassed about removing your shirt on the beach? Do you feel shy about wearing tight shirts and t-shirts? Let us guess the reason… It’s because of your puffy nipples? We understand that having puffy nipples are extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing for men. What causes puffy nipples  in men? Well, it can be because of any reason, hormonal disturbance, excess fat, low testosterone levels, steroid use and gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is one of the most common reasons for puffy nipples in men. In the condition, a man experiences the growth of glandular tissue in their breast. The growth of glandular tissue in breasts leads to abnormal breast development in men. Men with gynecomastia have a disc or button-like growth in the nipples that can be felt and sometimes is visible. The growth of tissue differs from men to men; it can be bilateral or unilateral and symmetrical or asymmetrical. It’s not always important that the puffy nipples occur due to g